Question: Why Life Coaching in the Body of Christ..?

Because ‘Christian Life Coaching ‘build’s and maintains Motivation for the Journey!..

The Bible exhorts us to pursue Vision; for without Vision, God’s people perish!

Coaching is about growing & encouraging ‘momentum!’ Helping people learn, rather than telling them!

In the future, those who are not Coach’s will not be promoted. Why? Because Coaching is about ‘Growth & Vision.

So, it’s time to let go of those things behind and ‘press’ toward the Goal for the prize of God’s Calling on Our life.

Relationship with God the Father



‘Living in faith’.
I have called myself a Believer with great passion. I minister to folk who need Coaching in areas of Parenting, Gifts, Talents, Career and Relationships.
Suffice to say I am a committed Christian and am often called upon for my prophetic words, prophetic songs and prayers for the sick.
But, after all these years I cannot say that I have a proper relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I go through the motions and get great Spiritual breakthroughs with Him. I meditate upon the Bible and can recite passages from proverbs and Psalms.
But after many years trying to know the Lord more clearly, I have concluded I have something of an ‘Orphan Spirit’.
I grew up a loner and lived as a single man for many years. Inevitably I took my loneliness to the workplace, and to the family and finally to the church..
To my surprise, when I became a Christian I witnessed many other orphans both in and out side the church.
The only cure I’ve found to this loneliness is through ‘Relationship’ This is the missing key to isolation; not only in the church but in the office, shop, family and fellowship.
The Relationship I am speaking of is of a continual stream of Father’s love.
Speaking to Him in our inner man, thanking Him, glad of His presence, help, encouragement and confidence – all being received by faith.
Continual communication with the Father in this way develops a strong and meaningful Prayer life.
The relationship that develops is as a father/mother relationship whereby we know He is with us and we can refer to Him continually.
No more an Orphan/son or Daughter.

Getting rid of the Junk!

I’ve noticed that every time I’ve made a deliberate action to curtail the strategies of the Enemy to steal some aspect of my life, I have invariably come out of it the worst!

It’s as though I’ve deliberately invited Him, the ‘Enemy’, to put me under his feet and crush me down to a pulp!

And yet, still unperturbed I have often gone back for more!

For example, when at 40 years I decided I was ready for a career change and chose ‘Life Coaching’ (to replace my Graphic Design career) I was tested in every single way possible!

Even though I fought with every last breath, I was beaten remorsely. Not a very encouraging spectacle for my burgeoning Coaching career!

Christian Breakthrough!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…”

The trouble is, I had been doing it in my own strengh. I’d been trying to discard the rubbish I’d accumulated, rather than giving the rubbish to Jesus! He took my shame, the guilt and fears. In Him I am a new creation, so that in stead of acknowledging Satan’s right to steel and destroy. I declare what I now have and who I now am IN HIM.

Are you ready to change your life? Christian Life Coaching will motivate you to action!


Where there is no Vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

Coffee Time Article that will challenge you in your Planning for this coming Year.

“What is the Vision for my Business?”

images-1With pen and paper to hand I begin crafting a New Year’s Resolution concerning my ‘Christian Coaching Ministry.’ Initially I make a weak attempt to plan for 5 new clients every week; which means I would need to increase my Marketing activity by 50%

Is that possible? Yes, but only with a lot of hard work! … Or a miracle!

A little dis-heartened I sit back in my chair to peruse my environment. I’m seated in a favorite Cafe. Conversation’s flow freely here among the clicking of Lap Tops and clatter of coffee machines. It’s a place of comfort and inspiration. And yet, I’m still stuck! Eventually, my eyes are drawn to a chalked Black Board sign that reads – “Coffee doesn’t ask silly questions – Coffee Understands”

How often I sought the comfort of coffee, and the atmosphere that goes with it. But I now see that it’s not the false comfort of coffee nor the people that I hanker after but of the presence of God. For He alone is the Vision for my Business.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

How to be Blessed in your Christian Journey

The Christian Life is a journey of greater and greater discovery and adventure- the journey of a Lifetime you could say. Here are some keys to help you on the way.
The Journey of a Lifetime

Jesus say’s “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Scrip; John 14:6)

With so much competing for our attentions these days it is very easy to get our eyes off the purpose for our journey which is – to know Jesus more!

So, here are some Biblical ‘keys’ to help you on your way.

1. Be filled with the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit. Welcome Him, honour Him and follow Him.

2. Study The Map Book of Life – ‘The Holy Bible’. There you will find the quickest  and most effective route to reaching your Destination ‘In Christ’ Jesus.

3, Let go of where you’ve been and keep your eyes on where you are going.

4. Have your lights shining and your indicators clearly illuminating your direction, so that others know where you are going.

5. Let go of where you have been and embrace where you are now. Always ready to move on as and when The Holy Spirit directs.

6. Ensure your exhaust is removing toxic syptoms of stress etc.

7. Your Speed, not too fast so as not to enjoy the journey and not too slow so as to endanger others.

8. Regular maintenance and cleaning so as to shine and radiate Jesus.

Enjoy your Journey!

Written by Peter j Foster – Christian Life Coach: UK, USA, Global

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

10 Powerful Christian Affirmations, for fulness of Life


800px-Traditional_hat_toss_celebration_at_graduation_from_United_States_Naval_AcademyTo Be Read Out Loud
1. Patience is not the ability to endure suffering but is a constant belief for the best in every situation.

2. Death and life is in the power of the tongue, not in the power of the Devil.

3. Don’t struggle to be more pure, holy or righteous; you have it all in Christ Jesus.

4. God doesn’t consider whether I have faith. He’s already dealt me a measure of faith. It’s what I do with it that matters.

5. My faith is based on the faith of Jesus Christ, in Him alone.

6. I’m not trying to be something; it’s who I already am in Christ Jesus that matters.

7. As he thinks in his heart so is he; for good or bad. Think about it!

8. The blessing of the Lord makes rich, adding no sorrow with it.

9. Trust God to do what you cannot do; but don’t meddle!

10. Keep a tight grip over your negative imaginations that may derail God’s plans for life.

If you are excited about fulfilling God’s purpose for your life, you might like to consider booking yourself in for a ‘Free Coaching Strategy Session’ that gives you 30 minutes FREE and without obligation, to discuss your personal journey of Freedom in Christ. Click Here for Information.

Help I’m a Christian and I’m Stuck!

Firstly let me tell you, you are not alone!


                          “Help, I’m Stuck!”

As a Christian Life Coach I get numerous folk wanting to move forward in various aspects of their life, but find themselves Stuck!

They have plans to pursue new careers, to take up hobbies, fitness regimes or become more involved in their church, expressing the Gifts and Talents God has graced them with.

Their intentions are honourable; but meanwhile the Enemy of our soul is rubbing his hands in absolute glee to see God’s people paralysed by such inaction!

I should know; I’ve been there…

I did however discover that the solution to my ‘Stuck-ness!’ was not to dig around trying to undo all the strands leading to ‘Stuck-ness!’ but instead – to dig around in my own soul to find whether Jesus, The Word, is in control and that I am living my life through Him and Him and not Me! Now there’s a challenge!

The Bible put’s it this way –

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave His life for me.”  Galatians, 3:3

The Lord know’s exactly what He wants for each one of us. It is only through living by faith in Him that we know His perfect will and purpose for our lives.

Bottom line …. He’s not stuck and neither are we – In Him.

If you are excited to get free to do the will of Father God, you might like to consider booking yourself in for a ‘Coaching Strategy Session’ that gives you 45 minutes FREE and without obligation, to discuss your personal journey of Freedom in Christ. Click Here for Information.

Understanding Sowing and Reaping

The Key to Abundant Living

Lenzkirch-KeyWhen you stand back and look at your life as an impartial observer you begin to see definite patterns taking place related to your business, your relationships, finances, health and peace of mind.

For example, the attitude you had towards your mother could be the same attitude your daughter now has towards you. The judgements you made against others for their supposed wrong doings are now the same judgements you are receiving from others.

This is the law of ‘sowing and reaping’. It works for good and it works for bad. It is entirely neutral.

The really cool thing about understanding the dynamics behind the principal of sowing and reaping is that you can begin to make choices as to what you want to reap, depending upon what you sow. In other words you can learn how to harvest the crop that you want – and not any old crop that comes along.

So, for example, if like a farmer you sow potatoes, you will reap potatoes. If you want weeds you just do nothing and the weeds do their own thing anyway. If you are now feeling a hapless victim of your random and seemingly un-planned sowing and reaping. All is not lost.

As a qualified ‘farmer of the soul’ I help many folk begin seeing ‘by faith’ the crop they want in their life and accordingly set about preparing the good soil of their hearts to accommodate their dream. It is also worth while ensuring that what you say, during this stage of sowing and reaping, is what you actually want in your heart and therefore, in reality.



UnbeliefUnbelief is a state of mind; a way of thinking; an attitude of heart. Although unbelief is powerful it can, however, be eroded by the Truth of God’s Word.

Unbelief is an inferior spiritual force that needs to be confronted head on! We read in the Book of Mathew 13: 58 that… “Jesus did not do any mighty works there because of their unbelief.” Jesus requires us to develop our own faith, a faith that is based upon His Words of faith.

His spirit lives in us and as we join our faith with His faith then the miracles take place. But we must believe!

How then do we develop this kind of faith, the kind of faith that believes for miracles when we speak the Word?

The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. In short, we renew our mind when we read, meditate upon and confess God’s Word.

For example you may like to speak out loud the following Scripture verses based upon His eternal faithfulness towards meeting your needs and prospering you in all that you turn your hands to.

“…I will hasten My Word to perform it.” Jer. 1:12b “ But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” Phil. 4:19 “Casting all your care upon Him; for he cares for you.” 1 Pet. 5:7

God’s New Year Plan For Your Life

If you were to acquire a new ‘Open-Plan’ Office Space you would probably seek an Interior Designer to plan it out to suit all your needs."Plans to prosper you..."
An Interior Designer has much experience in understanding your needs and will work with you from your ‘scribbled notes’ and verbal brief to produce something wholly functional and attractive. When we find that kind of relationship we know that we have found something special! And what a comfort it is to know that we are being cared for!

So, at the beginning of this new year why not invite Jesus, The ‘Eternal Designer’ of your life to make something special – even beautiful – of your Career, Relationships, Talents and Gifts.

It only requires for you to let Him in. You will need to give Him an outline Brief of what you would like to achieve with your God-given talents and gifts this coming year. And then prayerfully release it to the Lord. Why not personalise this prayer to help you get started –

“Heavenly Father, I thank You for the plans You have for me, to prosper me … to give me a hope and a future. I ask that this year You will show me the way to go and give me the grace to lay hold of all that you have laid hold of me. Amen!”

If you would like a prayer of agreement please contact me Here. Simply give me an outline of your prayer request and I will pray in agreement with you.

You may also like to begin the New Year with a Free Christian Life Coaching Session. This may be on any subject or situation you are going through. Please Click Here for your Free No obligation Trial Coaching Session!

How to Reach Your Goal

The Bible talks much about achieving Goals. So does Life Coaching!


Paul the Apostles Mission Statement was to “press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13) In other words, Paul was committed to pursuing the goal of God’s purpose for his life. As Christians our Goal is the same. Our Goal is to achieve God’s call upon our lives; a goal that can only be achieved ‘In Christ Jesus’.

I don’t believe God would give us a Goal we’d find too easy to achieve in our human ability. God the Father is glorified through our faith in Jesus Christ alone to get the job done.

Only Jesus can achieve God’s call upon our life. So, what is the Goal you have to fulfil God’s purpose and plan for your life? Just think of the amount of people in your sphere of influence you could reach with the love of God. That’s not to put undue pressure on you. Indeed I know only too well how challenging this issue of reaching out to the unsaved can be. It’s Scary! And yet the disappointment of not sharing our faith is sometimes greater than if we had shared our faith!

So, here goes with a few timely Christmas Tips to help share your faith with unsaved friends, neighbours and family.

1. How about going Carol Singing; but go a little further in capitalising on the moment by sharing the Gospel to whoever may turn up – in a nice Christmassy sort of way.

2. Invite friends, associates, fellow co-workers to a local Christmas Celebration; one which brings a very clear message that Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the Devil! (1 John 3:8) P.S. Anything to do with the Devil generally encourages discussion!

3. Invite your neighbours round for a mince pie and sherry. Try have a real conversation about how they’ve been recently: any problems, aches, pains or emotional struggles. Then ask them if they would like prayer for healing. If they’re not sure give them another sherry!

I hope you find these Christmas Tips encouraging. Meanwhile, any other Tips you can add to these would be appreciated, along with any Testimonies.

If you are pursuing your own Goals, Please try a Free Coaching Session to get you going