Question: Why Life Coaching in the Body of Christ..?

Because ‘Christian Life Coaching ‘build’s and maintains Motivation for the Journey!..

The Bible exhorts us to pursue Vision; for without Vision, God’s people perish!

Coaching is about growing & encouraging ‘momentum!’ Helping people learn, rather than telling them!

In the future, those who are not Coach’s will not be promoted. Why? Because Coaching is about ‘Growth & Vision.

So, it’s time to let go of those things behind and ‘press’ toward the Goal for the prize of God’s Calling on Our life.

Coached By Jesus

Someone looking into your life can be of great value.

An outsider is able to see your predicament without fear or doubt.images
Often a ‘Word in Season’ can be the key that unlocks your present situation.

If only we could have such a person in our live’s: guiding and encouraging us.

Thankfully, as Christians we do have that Person -The person of the Holy Spirit.

We have the word of God and the Spirit working in all things together for them that love Him.

If we have faithfully stored up God’s Word within our heart’s we are able to quickly repel lies and deceptions of Satan. And rise up in rule and authority.

If you long to empower your Prayer life, Ask for Free Trial Life Coaching.

How to be free from Indecision, Confusion & Doubt

The Writer of Proverbs put’s it this way…

“There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lords counsel – that will stand.”

images-1As a Born again Christian I have inherited the very ‘Mind of Christ’, through the Word and by His Spirit.

I am beginning to think like Him, speak like Him and Do like Him. This is the Lord’s counsel which is accepted by grace through faith in Him.

It is not found in the ‘daily star-signs’ of my favourite News paper; nor by seeking a ‘word’ from here, there and everywhere.

Truth is, it’s time for me to grow up and seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit; to listen to Him – the still voice of the Holy Spirit – and balance it with Scripture.

“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7)

Are you ready for Change, Believer?

Why not make this year the year to make changes.

Look to your heart. What do you want to see happening in the year ahead. What can you choose to put your faith to?

My personal New Year’s challenge is to see people differently; not to see them as they seem to be or as people see them but to see them as God see’s them! And hopefully – eventually – as they would desire to see them selves.

As far as Father God is concerned He see’s each one of us precious in His sight; each of us has a plan and purpose to fulfil. A plan that gives us value and esteem. What a tragedy that so many of us can completely miss God’s Plan for our life.

So, where you think you may have missed your High Calling, remember God say’s He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Meanwhile I have decided to place on my heart one or two people to pray for this year. And to see them as God see’s them.

Peter j Foster


How to Receive Your Christian Miracle

From the Bible’s perspective, miracles are gracious and mighty works of God that display his unique power and dominion over all creation. They are “gracious” because God in his mercy chooses to reveal himself supernaturally in a way that displays his willingness to interact with mankind.




Biblical miracles serve to authenticate God’s messengers. Some miracles demonstrate God’s salvation, others his judgment.

But right now you are probably wondering how to receive your miracle of healing or miracle of financial provision, etc. You may relate to my own experience of receiving a miracle below.

Testimony: When I became a Christian I began smoking cigarettes like I’d never smoked before. I was virtually chain-smoking. I did everything to quit smoking. I’d buy a pack if 20 cigarettes, smoke them one after the other than get so angry with myself I’d flush half the packet down the toilet. 30 minutes later, Id leave my Apartment and walk to the local ‘All Night’ Store and smoke cigarettes one after the other. I was frantic with shame, terribly un-healthy and fearful.

One night, again smoking one cigarette after the other I prayed for deliverance (for the 10th time that month) and right there in the quietness of night I suddenly received my miracle. In a moment I was free. Every thing went quiet and I knew I was delivered of nicotine addiction! Twenty years later I’m still totally free. Praise God.

I have no Spiritual formula other than to say that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. Just keep praying, seeking and expecting your miracle. It is on its’ way!

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION.

Understanding Sowing and Reaping

The Key to Abundant Living

Lenzkirch-KeyWhen you stand back and look at your life as an impartial observer you begin to see definite patterns taking place related to your business, your relationships, finances, health and peace of mind.

For example, the attitude you had towards your mother could be the same attitude your daughter now has towards you. The judgements you made against others for their supposed wrong doings are now the same judgements you are receiving from others.

This is the law of ‘sowing and reaping’. It works for good and it works for bad. It is entirely neutral.

The really cool thing about understanding the dynamics behind the principal of sowing and reaping is that you can begin to make choices as to what you want to reap, depending upon what you sow. In other words you can learn how to harvest the crop that you want – and not any old crop that comes along.

So, for example, if like a farmer you sow potatoes, you will reap potatoes. If you want weeds you just do nothing and the weeds do their own thing anyway. If you are now feeling a hapless victim of your random and seemingly un-planned sowing and reaping. All is not lost.

As a qualified ‘farmer of the soul’ I help many folk begin seeing ‘by faith’ the crop they want in their life and accordingly set about preparing the good soil of their hearts to accommodate their dream. It is also worth while ensuring that what you say, during this stage of sowing and reaping, is what you actually want in your heart and therefore, in reality.

At last, The Secret to Eden is Revealed


“Return to Eden is a return to simple relationship with God the Father through faith in Christ Jesus”green_leaf_detail_197175This Blog of letters and pictures is about my own personal experience in seeking God’s Restorative power to cultivate right attitudes of the heart and mind.

Return to Eden is a return to relationship with God the Father – at the heart level. It is to walk with Him and talk with Him – just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

It is to know Him and fellowship with Him in the cool of the

Garden. It is about deep and profound prayer.

Through Jesus we are now able to come right into God the Father’s presence, just as it was in the Garden of Eden – to see Him as He is and to rest in His love.

Christianity is not a Religion of ‘works’ to try appease a harsh and distant God. No! It is about becoming as a child and running into the the arms of the Father;  just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

God is incredibly forgiving and accepting and is not expecting perfection nor piety – simply a realistic and open Father, Son, Daughter relationship.

But how do we get so close to Him and not fear being ‘fried’ in His presence?

The first thing we must do is not be put off by an old image of a harsh and judging God. He relates to us differently now because of the sacrificial offering of His Son, Jesus – who alone died for the forgiveness of sins.

Yes, God is Holy, Righteous and all-powerful but His anger against sin is now paid for at the Cross of Calvary.

We now come to Him by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

One way of entering into His presence is through Journaling. It is a process of quieting our minds; focussing on Jesus; thanking Him; praising Him and waiting on Him. A picture or thought might come to mind; then write it down. You may simply write a question and wait, with expectation, to hear His reply. Meanwhile, have your pen ready to write what you feel He is saying and to comment if anything comes to mind. If a scriptural verse comes to mind, then write it down.

Ask another question and return to the flow of His presence. Within minutes you may well have a conversation going; or at least a very clear connection with the Father.

Write about what you are concerned about or joyful about, or excited about. He is a loving Father who wants only to reveal His heart to His children. Don’t let the enemy of your soul rob you of this precious moment with the Father. And if He says anything specific about a difficult situation in your life, do pray about it and share it with wise Counsellors for their mature wisdom.

What follows is a short Journaling time I had with the Lord.

“There is a broken bough in a wooded area that makes a perfect resting place. I sit there some mornings gathering my energy for the walk back up the hill towards home. It is my imaginary ‘Garden of Eden’ – a beautiful plateau on the south side of Bath where I live.

One morning I sat there with an old penknife I’d found from my childhood. Strewn all around were dried branches and twigs, and feeling the Lords prompting, I selected a twig so that I might fashion it into an arrow.

The phrase ‘Whittling Stick’ came to mind as I sliced away dried flakes of bark from the twig:

“Whittle away the old dry wood. Make it straight and narrow with a good sharp point”, spoke the Lord to my heart, as though reciting the words of a song.

I repeated the words as I cut away all the bark and smoothed the twig to a long sharp point. Rolling it between my fingers for balance, I then looked down the stem towards an imaginary target in the distance. Yes, it truly was a fine stick, and could well be used as an arrow.

Pleased with my efforts, I asked the Lord what he thought about my stick. His reply came softly to my heart.

“Now you can see what I’m doing with my people”, he began, “I’m fashioning them in My love so that they might serve Me more effectively… I’m removing the dead wood outer layers of self-reliance and I’m straightening the kinks and bumps of sin. I’m smoothing the rough edges of personality problems, and finally, I’m bringing them to a good sharp point so that when I do aim them at My target, they won’t miss! And yes, like you, I am also well pleased with My efforts”.

Scripture Reading:

“He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into water springs. And there he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation; And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase. He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease” Psalm 107: 35 – 38

For more about Christian Journaling, click link below

How to find true Prosperity and Success

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

4096px-DSC33103,_Bellagio_Hotel_and_Casino,_Las_Vegas,_Nevada,_USA_(5438826671)There are many successful people in the world. Due to their training, skills, education and tenacity they have all the trappings of prosperity and success.

In fact, never before in the history of the World has there been so many financially successful people.

But what does the Bible say about true success? There is a difference between Biblical success and ‘worldly’ success.

A multimillionaire I know, who built his fortune in the Construction Industry, says to this very day that what he really wanted in life was to be a winning ‘Rally Driver.’

God wants to give us our hearts-desire. And that can only come through Him.

True prosperity and success begins on the inside. It is knowing and applying God’s Word to our lives: to know who we are and what we have as sons and daughters of the Most High God. To know how to live in right standing with Him. And to know, and to do, right behaviour and right thinking.

Jesus’ life’s purpose was to destroy the works of the Devil – (1 John 3:8) and yet He had to grow in wisdom and understanding before He could take on the Devil and destroy him!

God does not want fleeting success, the kind to found in ‘worldly pursuits’. He wants the kind of success that lasts!

In my own life I once had the ‘trappings’ of success. I had money that comes with a thriving business. And yet I was not living in prosperity in the true sense of the word.

My success was built on my own efforts and to a large degree by being in the right place at the right time. But it could not last. It was built on ‘shifting sand’ My life was unstable without God’s Word guiding my life! In order to know true prosperity I had to be stripped right down to having virtually nothing – a man ‘a shadow of his former self!’ And yet it was in that place that I found the seeds to true prosperity.

The Bible teaches us how to live prosperously; and that is, by listening and doing His Word. His Word equips us to handle and prosper in every day situation. His Word teaches us how to treat others; and how to love ourselves as God first loved us! And how to deal wisely in giving and receiving.

God’s Word is the True currency of ‘Good Success’. It is the success that comes by living prosperously in our heart’s first – according to the Word of God – and then manifesting it on the outside, by faith.

DSC33103, Bellagio Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY  ‘Prosperity & Good Success’ CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form. 

I welcome enquiries from UK and Worldwide.

How can Christian Life Coaching benefit me?

Ten good reasons for Christian Life Coaching

Christian Life Coaching, The missing piece!

Christian Life Coaching, The missing piece!

Christian Life Coaching, The missing piece!

1. Everyone is going somewhere. Christian Life Coaching helps you be deliberate as to where exactly you want to go.

2. Then helping you get to where you want to be through tried and tested Coaching skills.

3.The process aims to stimulate thoughts and ideas through patient questioning, active listening and prayerful reflection.

4. Resultant thoughts are translated into motivation by the promise and effective envisioning of the great benefits that can be achieved.

5. Working with a Life Coach increases the likelihood of reaching your desired level of success by 95%

6. A Life Coach will help you recognise and build upon your strengths. He will hold you accountable to implementing your plans – but without telling you what to do

7. Life Coaching encourages and enhances the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives so as to promote change, healing, sanctification and improved relationships.

8. Someone walking with you to – help look into your life – can be of great value in making changes for the better.

9. A Life Coach is someone who walks alongside a person for a season of life, and Coaches him or her through their desired changes and plans. A Life Coach promotes growth.

10. We are each called to live Holy lives and to engage in the process of sanctification. But we must remember that change does not ultimately occur because of good Coaching techniques nor strong willpower, but because of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Do you have a Business to promote? A Career change in sight? A Purpose to discover? A Gift to Discover? A Passion to express? A Book to write? I offer you a Free and without obligation Christian Life Coach trial Session to help get you started – CLICK HERE

Hidden with Christ.

The Key to Relationship with God.

images-2Many years ago I asked my Bank Manager if I could deposit a small collection of Gold Coins in to their Safe.

There was a small fee involved but well worth it compared to the cost of losing the collection.

I asked the man at the Bank how they hid treasured items, such as my small collection of coins. He began to reassure me that the coins would be perfectly safe in the care of the Bank, (not that I was in any way doubting him.) He continued to enlighten me as to how they store precious items in the Safe. Apparently what they do is to put the precious items into a locked drawer within the Safe – (be it jewelry, documents or whatever); which would itself be locked inside a drawer; all of which would be further protected in the bolted Safe.

Pretty safe I’d say! In fact just like your highly protected relationship with God the Father.

Should you like to find out more of God the Father’s protection and care over every aspect of your precious life then please CLICK HERE for Your Free Trial Coaching Session

How to be Free From Christian Regrets

“… forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead…” Failure!

The Christian life is forever forward-looking. And yet so many of us are crippled by past hurts, disappointments and regrets.


The consequences of this dilema is that we are no longer able to fulfill the second part of this well-known Scripture: “… I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus..” (Philippians 3:14)

The ‘Prize’ is God’s call upon our life ‘In Christ Jesus’. It is a calling far higher than we would ever imagine! (Especially when so many of us are dealing with regrets, disappointments and failures).

And yet God can, and will, restore the wasted years and the missed opportunities. We only need to give Him our faith, based upon His promises, and then rest in Him.

As a Christian Life Coach I have a number of Clients seeking Physical, Financial, Emotional, and Creative needs. Should you like to find out how Coaching can help in achieving your Goals, then please CLICK HERE for Your Free Trial Coaching Session