Getting rid of the Junk!

I’ve noticed that every time I’ve made a deliberate action to curtail the strategies of the Enemy to steal some aspect of my life, I have invariably come out of it the worst!

It’s as though I’ve deliberately invited Him, the ‘Enemy’, to put me under his feet and crush me down to a pulp!

And yet, still unperturbed I have often gone back for more!

For example, when at 40 years I decided I was ready for a career change and chose ‘Life Coaching’ (to replace my Graphic Design career) I was tested in every single way possible!

Even though I fought with every last breath, I was beaten remorsely. Not a very encouraging spectacle for my burgeoning Coaching career!

Christian Breakthrough!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…”

The trouble is, I had been doing it in my own strengh. I’d been trying to discard the rubbish I’d accumulated, rather than giving the rubbish to Jesus! He took my shame, the guilt and fears. In Him I am a new creation, so that in stead of acknowledging Satan’s right to steel and destroy. I declare what I now have and who I now am IN HIM.

Are you ready to change your life? Christian Life Coaching will motivate you to action!