Jesus Christ for Life in abundance!


It’s amazing what people can do when you give them a chance!

Someone looking in on your circumstances can be of great value.

Take for example ‘Business’. It was God’s influence that opened up the right opportunity you are now enjoying. Yes, you were quick to make the right decisions He brought to you, and the right people at the right time to do what was needed. But it was Him who gave you the strength and the wisdom to see the vision that you are now operating under.

Yes you had to be wiling and brave to take the necessary steps forward, but HE did it! Thankfully you were quick to hear the Lords’ prompting and to act on them.

So now it’s your turn to pass on the Baton of Blessing: for every good and perfect gift from our Father of lights.

Peter j Foster (Christian Life Coach)

Mind the Gap!

Have you ever noticed that right at the epicentre of a disagreement, say with your Partner or someone else close to you, there will be a gap; both sides temporarily disconnected in a kind of no-mans landscape.

One of the parties may take the ‘lull  in activity’ to mean a temporary cessation of conflict – even professing'The Path' to have won the battle! But not for long! In a moment the two parties lurch back to the epicentre of the conflict and continue spouting nonsense, threats and self-proclaimed victory! There is, however, no time to proclaim victory at this rate, for this is a God-given moment to be still and let God be God.


He may bring a word of encouragement, conviction, understanding or revelation! Whatever you feel, remain right there in the intensity of the moment and allow God to do His ‘Thing! Eventually you will feel The Lords peace, ‘the peace that passes understanding.’ This is His grace indeed; and your opportunity to allow His full work take it’s place as you thank Him for His kindness.

Getting rid of the Junk!

I’ve noticed that every time I’ve made a deliberate action to curtail the strategies of the Enemy to steal some aspect of my life, I have invariably come out of it the worst!

It’s as though I’ve deliberately invited Him, the ‘Enemy’, to put me under his feet and crush me down to a pulp!

And yet, still unperturbed I have often gone back for more!

For example, when at 40 years I decided I was ready for a career change and chose ‘Life Coaching’ (to replace my Graphic Design career) I was tested in every single way possible!

Even though I fought with every last breath, I was beaten remorsely. Not a very encouraging spectacle for my burgeoning Coaching career!

Christian Breakthrough!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…”

The trouble is, I had been doing it in my own strengh. I’d been trying to discard the rubbish I’d accumulated, rather than giving the rubbish to Jesus! He took my shame, the guilt and fears. In Him I am a new creation, so that in stead of acknowledging Satan’s right to steel and destroy. I declare what I now have and who I now am IN HIM.

Are you ready to change your life? Christian Life Coaching will motivate you to action!


“What Do You Want?”

The Key To Power is Desire! 

If you don’t know what you want, you will probably end up either doing nothing or doing what others want you to do; which maybe ok, or not!

The Key to your Future BlessingsBy default our wants and needs will gravitate towards the easy option; for example, staying in that low paid job, Ministry, Church, Relationship etc,. even though we may be wanting more out of our relationship with the Lord.

What are we to do then in oder to fulfil that sense of purpose and destiny in our hearts?

On the one hand we don’t want to behave in a presumptuous manner , but on the other hand neither do we want to miss it!

In the Book of Mark: 10.51, Jesus asked His Disciples a simple question –  “What do you want me to do for you?  Until our desire’s come from the heart they have no power to fulfil our purpose.

Although Jesus would have known the answer to His own question, He needed His Disciples to speak out loud what they’d heard Him say. Similarly He’s waiting for us too!



Behind every succesful person is a Mentor

I’ve noticed in my short life that those who have the attentions of a ‘one-to-one’ Teacher, Coach, Parent or Mentor, they just seem to sail through normal life’s difficulties, quickly turning disadvantages into opportunities and failure into success.

Which doesn’t mean they are more intelligent, better looking nor hugely rich. No, indeed the wealth they seem to exude comes from a place deep within – a place unavailable to those who struggle through life alone.

And this is the ‘Key’ to opening up the inner ‘treasure chest’ of true peace. It is a journey of the heart. The Bible put’s it like this ” as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Prov. 23:4

Fill the heart with love and acceptance and that’s what you’ll get on the outside. 

On top of the World

On top of the World

Spring Cleaning the Mental Clutter

imgres-1If you are like me you’ll have Post It Notes clinging to every available space: at your desk, your computer and beyond. I’ve even found one such preditor clinging to my cheek bone which, when decifered, reminded me to remove the other Post It Note on the back of my wrist, telling me to buy some more Post It notes and sundry stationary whilst in Sainsbury’s.

These spontanious ideas and reminders that promise so much, serve only one purpose and that is to drain me of all mental peace and sanity. The clutter, of course, goes way beyond the office in ever increasing creativity. So much so you may suggest I invest in an electronic devise to remind me of just about anything the ‘Enemy of my Soul’ could possibly cause me to forget. But, I’m sorry, I JUST DON’T DO  ELECTRONIC DEVISES – Why not? Simple reason it would necessitate 4 or 5 Post It Notes just to remind me how to operate the ‘Darned thing! ……. Born out of time, I guess!

How to be free from Indecision, Confusion & Doubt

The Writer of Proverbs put’s it this way…

“There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lords counsel – that will stand.”

images-1As a Born again Christian I have inherited the very ‘Mind of Christ’, through the Word and by His Spirit.

I am beginning to think like Him, speak like Him and Do like Him. This is the Lord’s counsel which is accepted by grace through faith in Him.

It is not found in the ‘daily star-signs’ of my favourite News paper; nor by seeking a ‘word’ from here, there and everywhere.

Truth is, it’s time for me to grow up and seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit; to listen to Him – the still voice of the Holy Spirit – and balance it with Scripture.

“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7)

Arise Godly Father Figures in the Church

When we are not affirmed by a Godly ‘father figure’, life can be an up-hill struggle.

God the Father ordained that man should not be alone, but be placed in families where mutual trust and encouragement would be the norm. Our value and worth is related to what we do and how we are nurtured within the context of ‘Family’.

And yet as the very fabric of ‘families in society’ wears so thin, even fathers are now relinquishing their traditional and God made roles of authority and affirmation.

Increasingly marriages are breaking down and children and young adults are growing up without a strong concept of ‘fathering’. It is truly amazing what people can do when they know the strength of a father figure rooting for them.

So, my call is Arise, ‘father figures’ in the church and let us make a positive move to re-dress the balance.”  

God has a treat in store for you!


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

The truth though is that if you only keep those plans tucked away inside the pages of your Bible, or hidden in the book shelf, you can pretty much say good-bye to those plans. What a tragic waste of potential!

I have good news for you – “You can have your cake and eat it!” “And enjoy it!”

But first we have to get rid of some religious mind set’s that we Christians tend to wallow in, well I do at least! So what better way to expose the lies of the flesh and the Devil than to recite out loud the Truth!

To be spoken out loud five times each two times a day….

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13

“I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” (Phil 3:13)

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, (Eph 2:6)

TheLord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27


Discover your God given Calling

“Walk worthy of the calling with which you were medium_4536543987called – in Christ Jesus. (Eph 4:1)


“What calling?” You may ask. Answer: The calling that inspired you when you first experienced Jesus Christ. The calling that caused you to testify of the grace of God – and His calling you into His Kingdom.

The calling that inspired you to take up creative ideas, to write songs or stories about Jesus. Or how about the calling that nudged you to write poems, journalling; and to yearn for nothing more than to spend time with Him and His people.

It’s time to step out and step up. Not in your own strength but by the calling and prompting of the Holy Spirit in you.

He’s waiting for you. And you are about to explode with a river of life cascading from your heart.


“Christian Coaching” Find The Gift In You

“A man’s Gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” Prov. 18:1

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Each of of has has a unique Gift fashioned and designed exactly for us alone. It is as individual to us as is our thumb print. And no power in Heaven or Earth can stand against it, nor nullify it.

These God ordained Gifts enables Him to fulfil His purpose and plan for each one of us.It is through us, His people, that He is able to ‘Moves Mountains.’ Through prayer and patience He Heals the sick and brings down unjust Dictators, etc,.

My Mother in Law has a simple yet powerful Gift to encourage folk who are struggling in any area of life; it’s as simple as welcoming the Holy Spirit, opening her mouth and praying. And she will continue un-bated in prayer, until the issue is resolved – no matter how inconvenient it is. She just loves it..!

My own Gifting, I think, is the ability and passion for making-up spontaneous words to gentle music, say during Ministry. I find myself reciting Scripture and prophetic utterance. It’s not that I’d planned it that way, it is simply the Holy Spirit joining in with us, or should I say me joining with Him.