Coached By Jesus

Someone looking into your life can be of great value.

An outsider is able to see your predicament without fear or doubt.images
Often a ‘Word in Season’ can be the key that unlocks your present situation.

If only we could have such a person in our live’s: guiding and encouraging us.

Thankfully, as Christians we do have that Person -The person of the Holy Spirit.

We have the word of God and the Spirit working in all things together for them that love Him.

If we have faithfully stored up God’s Word within our heart’s we are able to quickly repel lies and deceptions of Satan. And rise up in rule and authority.

If you long to empower your Prayer life, Ask for Free Trial Life Coaching.

Relationship with God the Father



‘Living in faith’.
I have called myself a Believer with great passion. I minister to folk who need Coaching in areas of Parenting, Gifts, Talents, Career and Relationships.
Suffice to say I am a committed Christian and am often called upon for my prophetic words, prophetic songs and prayers for the sick.
But, after all these years I cannot say that I have a proper relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I go through the motions and get great Spiritual breakthroughs with Him. I meditate upon the Bible and can recite passages from proverbs and Psalms.
But after many years trying to know the Lord more clearly, I have concluded I have something of an ‘Orphan Spirit’.
I grew up a loner and lived as a single man for many years. Inevitably I took my loneliness to the workplace, and to the family and finally to the church..
To my surprise, when I became a Christian I witnessed many other orphans both in and out side the church.
The only cure I’ve found to this loneliness is through ‘Relationship’ This is the missing key to isolation; not only in the church but in the office, shop, family and fellowship.
The Relationship I am speaking of is of a continual stream of Father’s love.
Speaking to Him in our inner man, thanking Him, glad of His presence, help, encouragement and confidence – all being received by faith.
Continual communication with the Father in this way develops a strong and meaningful Prayer life.
The relationship that develops is as a father/mother relationship whereby we know He is with us and we can refer to Him continually.
No more an Orphan/son or Daughter.

No More Christian Rejection!


Helping you to live free from Rejection!

The spirit behind ‘Rejection’ is a harsh and often cruel task-Master!

It works like this: say for example, in the area of Public Speaking or addressing an audience, the fear of getting it all wrong will drive you to dwell upon it until you feel sick!.

In your heart there is no escape! And by now fear has convinced you you will never be able to face an audience again. You’ve done your best. You have rehearsed, memorised chunks of material but there’s no way out of it; you’re Stuck! Or at least your Soul is Stuck!

Thankfully the heart say’s another truth about you.

The heart say’s that “you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you!” Through His Word He tells you how much he is loves you. He also knows the plans He has for you, to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future.”

So next time you are called to speak, confront, challenge or release your God-given gifts, KNOW that you are doing it through Him. AND NOT YOU! Ask for His help and He will send The Spirit to intervene.

Jesus Christ for Life in abundance!


It’s amazing what people can do when you give them a chance!

Someone looking in on your circumstances can be of great value.

Take for example ‘Business’. It was God’s influence that opened up the right opportunity you are now enjoying. Yes, you were quick to make the right decisions He brought to you, and the right people at the right time to do what was needed. But it was Him who gave you the strength and the wisdom to see the vision that you are now operating under.

Yes you had to be wiling and brave to take the necessary steps forward, but HE did it! Thankfully you were quick to hear the Lords’ prompting and to act on them.

So now it’s your turn to pass on the Baton of Blessing: for every good and perfect gift from our Father of lights.

Peter j Foster (Christian Life Coach)

Journaling your Christian Life


images-6   “Talking with God, The Word” By Peter j Foster

You’re either a fan of journaling, or not.

    If not, let me try convert you to the benefits of this    growing Art of ‘communication with God.

First of all, please be assured this is not about     ‘automatic handwriting’, the sort practised by New Ager’s. This is for Born Again, Spirit-filled Believers who desire to talk to God and to hear God speaking to them – to develop their relationship with Father God and continue to seek Him.

I guess you could say that Journaling would help if you enjoy writing; but this is not necessary true. I kept a journal for many years before I became a Christian. I found it remarkably therapeutic in committing my thoughts, plans, ideas and concerns to paper. I love writing, but this is not about writing per se. It is about developing a relationship with Father God

So here goes with your first step in relating with God through Journaling.

1. Get yourself a handy writing pad; not too small, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll fill it.

2. Find a convenient time of day to journal and a favourite place to spend time with God. (Actually it can be anywhere; cafe’s are my favourite place!)

3. Settle your mind. Pray. Welcome His presence. Perhaps read the Bible and meditate on His love for you.

4. Begin writing.

Begin writing what? You may ask.

Well, you could begin by asking God about something that concerns you. Write it all down. Get it off your chest. Detail it. Express any confusion, hurts, fears or whatever. And now wait to see what comes to mind, then write it down! Write it as it comes to you. Don’t worry about grammar, accuracy or scriptural relevance at this stage. You can always test it later with the Word of God and trusted friends/partner. The important thing is to get into the flow of writing, without feeling anyone looking over your shoulder!

You could begin with writing about how you feel. What’s troubling you, exciting you or challenging you. Just allow yourself to write freely. Let it all out. Hold nothing back. After all, no one is going to know about it except you and God. (Unless you lose your Journal, so guard it with your life!)

As an example, I often write my plans and ideas for ministry, outreach, business, relationships and finances. It really helps to get my thoughts out of my head and on to paper. Sometimes simply reading it back begins to inspire (from God) my thoughts, solutions, creative ideas. In response be ready to write down quickly what is coming to mind. It is so easy to forget what God is saying. – if you do not commit it quickly to paper.

There’s no need to analyse it at this stage what you have written. Just enjoy the spontaneity of writing from your mind and from your heart. And believe that God is right there with you – listening, reading your words and beginning to release solutions, answers to questions and encouraging remarks. He’s your Heavenly Father and desires that you flow in your relationship with Him.

In the Bible we read in John 10:27 that: “My sheep hear my voice…” That’s us! We hear God’s voice speaking to us. Yes, primarily God speaks to us through Scripture – but also spontaneously where the Lord wants us to apply Scripture to a particular life situation. His Word is tailored, as it were, to each of our circumstances. Which is why of course we must never assume a relationship with God outside of regular reading of the Bible.

In a ‘nutshell’, Spiritual Journaling is about what God is saying to you through your prayers, questions and understanding. The journaling process will sustain you in times of hardship, inspire creative solutions to problems and bring clarity and focus to what God is saying and doing in your life.

The writer Henri Nouwen wrote: “To my surprise, I never lost the ability to write. In fact, writing became part of my struggle for survival. It gave me the little distance from myself that I needed to keep from drowning in my despair.” (From the Book: Inner voice of Love.)

If you would like to be coached in ‘Spiritual Journaling with God,’ please contact me by e-mail and we can schedule a Free and without obligation ‘Introduction to Spiritual Coaching. lease email me


Are you ready for Change, Believer?

Why not make this year the year to make changes.

Look to your heart. What do you want to see happening in the year ahead. What can you choose to put your faith to?

My personal New Year’s challenge is to see people differently; not to see them as they seem to be or as people see them but to see them as God see’s them! And hopefully – eventually – as they would desire to see them selves.

As far as Father God is concerned He see’s each one of us precious in His sight; each of us has a plan and purpose to fulfil. A plan that gives us value and esteem. What a tragedy that so many of us can completely miss God’s Plan for our life.

So, where you think you may have missed your High Calling, remember God say’s He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Meanwhile I have decided to place on my heart one or two people to pray for this year. And to see them as God see’s them.

Peter j Foster


Where there is no Vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

Coffee Time Article that will challenge you in your Planning for this coming Year.

“What is the Vision for my Business?”

images-1With pen and paper to hand I begin crafting a New Year’s Resolution concerning my ‘Christian Coaching Ministry.’ Initially I make a weak attempt to plan for 5 new clients every week; which means I would need to increase my Marketing activity by 50%

Is that possible? Yes, but only with a lot of hard work! … Or a miracle!

A little dis-heartened I sit back in my chair to peruse my environment. I’m seated in a favorite Cafe. Conversation’s flow freely here among the clicking of Lap Tops and clatter of coffee machines. It’s a place of comfort and inspiration. And yet, I’m still stuck! Eventually, my eyes are drawn to a chalked Black Board sign that reads – “Coffee doesn’t ask silly questions – Coffee Understands”

How often I sought the comfort of coffee, and the atmosphere that goes with it. But I now see that it’s not the false comfort of coffee nor the people that I hanker after but of the presence of God. For He alone is the Vision for my Business.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

How to be Blessed in your Christian Journey

The Christian Life is a journey of greater and greater discovery and adventure- the journey of a Lifetime you could say. Here are some keys to help you on the way.
The Journey of a Lifetime

Jesus say’s “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Scrip; John 14:6)

With so much competing for our attentions these days it is very easy to get our eyes off the purpose for our journey which is – to know Jesus more!

So, here are some Biblical ‘keys’ to help you on your way.

1. Be filled with the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit. Welcome Him, honour Him and follow Him.

2. Study The Map Book of Life – ‘The Holy Bible’. There you will find the quickest  and most effective route to reaching your Destination ‘In Christ’ Jesus.

3, Let go of where you’ve been and keep your eyes on where you are going.

4. Have your lights shining and your indicators clearly illuminating your direction, so that others know where you are going.

5. Let go of where you have been and embrace where you are now. Always ready to move on as and when The Holy Spirit directs.

6. Ensure your exhaust is removing toxic syptoms of stress etc.

7. Your Speed, not too fast so as not to enjoy the journey and not too slow so as to endanger others.

8. Regular maintenance and cleaning so as to shine and radiate Jesus.

Enjoy your Journey!

Written by Peter j Foster – Christian Life Coach: UK, USA, Global

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

Seeing and Believing Your Christian Dreams

Is there a vision or a dream you are yet to fulfill; a passion that has not yet seen the light of day?

800px-Sunrise-Daytona-Beach-FLYou may say, “it’s just too difficult to even begin doing something positive with my idea. There’s always so much going on, how do I find time to work on my Dream? It’s just an idea anyway! And there’s plenty of ideas out there these days. Who in their right mind would take my idea on anyway? There’s no real substance to it – just wishful thinking!”

Yes, at this stage it is just wishful thinking. Every great idea has to start somewhere.

As a young man , living with my parents in a large urban sprawl in the UK I had a dream of living by the seaside. I saw myself surfing, having fun and running my own business and playing my guitar in restaurants and cafe’s. It was a dream so far from the reality of my life I might as well dreamed of being the first person on the Moon! But I was unperturbed. I would draw pictures and pictures of my future life and pin them on my bedroom wall. I saw, in my ‘minds-eye’ the small Devonshire community I would be living amongst. I saw the house I’d be living in and the office I’d be working from. In my minds-eye I was running a graphic design and print agency. I saw myself singing in local Restaurants, Pubs and Clubs. I would meditate upon my new life over and over again. In fact it became so real in my heart it just ‘had to’ come about!

A year or so later I was living the exact dream; and loving every minute of it! . But is this ‘Biblical’ you might ask? Or is it simply New Age? In the Bible The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you (Genesis 12) He had to see it by faith in his heart before he saw it by sight.

Again the Bible say;s “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7) Question: Is this the missing key in your prayer life? If so, begin to seek the Lord for His plans and purpose for your life. Read again the exploits God’s people and marvel at what God did through them because they believed.

Do you have a Dream or Vision to Fulfil? Or if not, maybe you could ask Him.


Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

Biblical Restoration – it’s about enjoying the Journey.


Not long after becoming a Christian, the Lord showed me in a dream that it was as though I’d been rescued from the ‘scrap heap’ of life, and just like a ‘Classic Car’ I’d been given a new identity! In truth I’d been given a new lease of life: I’d been born again into a family of ‘exclusive Classics’ – the Body of Christ.

And so my journey of Christian Restoration began.

Amazingly I was now considered to be something of great value, a new creation in Christ Jesus and it hadn’t cost me a penny! But, there was work to do.
I needed to go through a complete process of restoration – getting rid of what had been lost due to sin and the effects of The Fall! In fact, I was to become something I’d never been in ‘the natural’ – nor would ever have been! I was to return to what God had planned for me from before the beginning of time – a brand New Creation in Christ Jesus!

Christian Restoration, however, is no joy ride! It is painstakingly slow, can hurt the ego, challenge our perceptions and offend our self centredness. No matter how we try to speed things up, God does not do a quick ‘codge-up’ job on our lives. He is a perfectionist and knows exactly what we are truly like – made in His image and likeness. He wants only that we be Blessed so that we can give Him all the Glory.

The first thing I found was that God gave me a new ‘Motor’ – a new Drive if you will. I was no longer to be driven by fear, performance or pride, but by His love alone.

The Lord began to show me my foundations were rotten – just like the foundations of an old car. He gave me a new ‘Galvanised Stainless Steel Chassis’ – the foundation of His Word, which was to become the ‘bedrock’ of every other Grace.

What followed was the beginning of a work of Restoration on my nervous system. I felt He was re-wiring my entire life with His power, love and His peace and Christian mind renewal.

He gave me new headlights, so to speak, that I might see more clearly where I’m going. He also gave me new Indicators so others might see where I’m going too, and may even want to follow me!

I received a new exhaust system so as to release toxic waste more efficiently: the toxins of hurts, fears, anger and bitterness.
I received a new water-cooling system to help maintain a constant Spiritual temperature; and fresh oil, the Oil of His Spirit – together with regular oil/filter changes to keep me well lubricated and the Gifting flowing.

He gave me a new upholstered interior so that I might feel comfortable with my new identity in Christ Jesus. And a new paint job so that even people around might see the difference!

He gave me a new Map Book and Instruction Manual, to be found in prayer and praise, that I might understand where it is He wants me to go and how to get there.

And finally He gave me a new ‘badge’ – His ‘Marque’ of quality – the Name of Jesus; the Name that would symbolise forever my pedigree and esteem as a new creation in His Kingdom.

Christian Restoration takes time and persistence. A skillful Christian Life Coach will help with discovering who you truly are in Christ Jesus, and will travel the journey of restoration with you. This truly is Christian Restoration!

The Bible say’s “Two are better than one.” Sometimes we simply need each other in the process of Sanctification for the Lord.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

I welcome enquiries from UK and Worldwide.

Peter j Foster. Copyright 2015

10 Powerful Christian Affirmations, for fulness of Life


800px-Traditional_hat_toss_celebration_at_graduation_from_United_States_Naval_AcademyTo Be Read Out Loud
1. Patience is not the ability to endure suffering but is a constant belief for the best in every situation.

2. Death and life is in the power of the tongue, not in the power of the Devil.

3. Don’t struggle to be more pure, holy or righteous; you have it all in Christ Jesus.

4. God doesn’t consider whether I have faith. He’s already dealt me a measure of faith. It’s what I do with it that matters.

5. My faith is based on the faith of Jesus Christ, in Him alone.

6. I’m not trying to be something; it’s who I already am in Christ Jesus that matters.

7. As he thinks in his heart so is he; for good or bad. Think about it!

8. The blessing of the Lord makes rich, adding no sorrow with it.

9. Trust God to do what you cannot do; but don’t meddle!

10. Keep a tight grip over your negative imaginations that may derail God’s plans for life.

If you are excited about fulfilling God’s purpose for your life, you might like to consider booking yourself in for a ‘Free Coaching Strategy Session’ that gives you 30 minutes FREE and without obligation, to discuss your personal journey of Freedom in Christ. Click Here for Information.