About peter j foster

An Encouraging Word from International Prophetess - "Doors of favour are going to open up in this next season giving insight, wisdom and Coaching skills to people in their fields of influence." Patricia King

“Seeing is Believing”

My Father was a Carpenter. It was in his genes; his father’s too. I remember he would often scavenge pieces of old drift wood; bring them home, dry them out and begin an assessment as to their potential ‘decoration’.

Only one in six or seven pieces would take part in the creative investigation.

My Father would say at this stage that it’s  not so much about Art as it is Craft and he would often recite the Scripture “While we look not at the things that are seen, but at the things which are not seen” (2 Corinthians 4:18).

He had the amazing ability to see the potential in something; he could see in his imagination what it could become and because he could see it, he believed it. Faith is the substance (realisation) of things hoped for, the evidence (confidence) of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).


10 Reasons for needing Christian Life Coaching. Now!



1. I don’t need any one to figure out my own life.

2. I can Coach myself thereby saving money.

3. I can identify my own weaknesses.

4. My Pastor would help, I’m sure, if he had the time.

4. I have the Holy Spirit who knows all things!

5. I have a Pastor who would help. He has lot’s of time!

6. I have the Holy Spirit who knows all things!

7. I only need to pray and everything will be just fine.

8. I find Journaling helpful but keep forgetting to do it!

9. I’ve tried a Mentor but can’t seem to find him when I need him!

10. Maybe I need to try Coaching again, but this time take it seriously!

Question: Why Life Coaching in the Body of Christ..?

Because ‘Christian Life Coaching ‘build’s and maintains Motivation for the Journey!..

The Bible exhorts us to pursue Vision; for without Vision, God’s people perish!

Coaching is about growing & encouraging ‘momentum!’ Helping people learn, rather than telling them!

In the future, those who are not Coach’s will not be promoted. Why? Because Coaching is about ‘Growth & Vision.

So, it’s time to let go of those things behind and ‘press’ toward the Goal for the prize of God’s Calling on Our life.

Biblical Restoration – It’s about enjoying the Journey. Pic. Jaguar E type


Not long  after becoming a Christian, the Lord showed me in a dream that it was as though I’d been rescued from the ‘scrap heap’ of life, and just like a ‘Classic Car’ I’d been given a new identity! In truth I’d been given a new lease of life: I’d been born again into a family of ‘exclusive Classics’ – the Body of Christ.

And so my journey of Christian Restoration began.

Amazingly I was now considered to be something of great value, a new creation in Christ Jesus and it hadn’t cost me a penny! But, there was work to do.
I needed to go through a complete process of restoration – getting rid of what had been lost due to sin and the effects of The Fall! In fact, I was to become something I’d never been in ‘the natural’ – nor would ever have been! I was to return to what God had planned for me from before the beginning of time – a brand New Creation in Christ Jesus!

Christian Restoration, however, is no joy ride! It is painstakingly slow, can hurt the ego, challenge our perceptions and offend our self centredness. No matter how we try to speed things up, God does not do a quick ‘codge-up’ job on our lives. He is a perfectionist and knows exactly what we are truly like – made in His image and likeness. He wants only that we be Blessed so that we can give Him all the Glory.

The first thing I found was that God gave me a new ‘Motor’ – a new Drive if you will. I was no longer to be driven by fear, performance or pride, but by His love alone.

The Lord began to show me my foundations were rotten – just like the foundations of an old car. He gave me a new ‘Galvanised Stainless Steel Chassis’ – the foundation of His Word, which was to become the ‘bedrock’ of every other Grace.

What followed was the beginning of a work of Restoration on my nervous system. I felt He was re-wiring my entire life with His power, love and His peace and Christian mind renewal.

He gave me new headlights, so to speak, that I might see more clearly where I’m going. He also gave me new Indicators so others might see where I’m going too, and may even want to follow me!

I received a new exhaust system so as to release toxic waste more efficiently: the toxins of hurts, fears, anger and bitterness.
I received a new water-cooling system to help maintain a constant Spiritual temperature; and fresh oil, the Oil of His Spirit – together with regular oil/filter changes to keep me well lubricated and the Gifting flowing.

He gave me a new upholstered interior so that I might feel comfortable with my new identity in Christ Jesus. And a new paint job so that even people around might see the difference!

He gave me a new Map Book and Instruction Manual, to be found in prayer and praise, that I might understand where it is He wants me to go and how to get there.

And finally He gave me a new ‘badge’ – His ‘Marque’ of quality – the Name of Jesus; the Name that would symbolise forever my pedigree and esteem as a new creation in His Kingdom.

Christian Restoration takes time and persistence. A skillful Christian Life Coach will help with discovering who you truly are in Christ Jesus, and will travel the journey of restoration with you. This truly is Christian Restoration!

The Bible say’s “Two are better than one.” Sometimes we simply need each other in the process of Sanctification for the Lord.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

I welcome enquiries from UK and Worldwide.

Peter j Foster. Copyright 2015

Posted in Abide in the Vine, Abundant Life, Biblical Restoration, Born Again, Christian Breakthrough, Christian Destiny, Christian Gifts, Christian Goals, Christian Healing, Christian Life Coaching, Christian Restoration, Christian Talents, Faith, fulfil your destiny, God’s Destiny, How to fulfil your Destiny, In Christ, Mind Renewal, My Ministry, Refiners Fire, Talents, The Word of God | Tagged Biblical Coaching, Biblical Restoration, Born Again, Christian Destiny, Christian Gifts, Christian Life Coach, Christian Prosperity, Christian Restoration, Christian Talents, Christianity, Mind Renewal, Word of God | Leave a reply EditClassic Restoration. Photo Si Griffiths

Church, Look to Coaching to discover your Destiny.

“Why do we have Coaching in the Church? Answer… because Coaching builds upon vision. And without ‘Vision’ in the Church we are stuck! because we are not following Destiny. Which means that where ever the “Flesh”decides to take us, we will simply follow!” 

Coaching is about growing and encouraging momentum, Instead of just being told what to do.

“In the future people who are not Coaches will not be promoted. Why? Because the bottom line is about Growth”.

cropped-mountainwithwords-copy-e1420902938679.jpg“It takes a Coach to bring about growth and vision, Instead of just being told what to do.”

“In the future people who are not Coaches will probably not be promoted. Why? Because Coaching is about Destiny”.And Destiny Coaching is the bottom line!”

Why Biblical Coaching?

Many would testify to the value of having someone encouraging them to fulfil plans – related to Relationships, Talents and Gifts

Even animals respond positively to encouraging gestures and words.0001

Think of the shepherd boy gathering his sheep, as though being orchestrated from a far.

Or a parent gently yet persistently instructing from a position of authority.

For us Believers in Jesus we need only to step into Faith for the mystery of Christ Jesus to manifest in our lives. “Not by might , not by power but by His Grace!”

Allow Jesus be your Life Coach. In so doing you will be operating a grace that cannot be operated by any human endeavour but by the precious blood of the Lamb.

Bear one another’s Burdens

GreekChurch.jpgGalatians 6

“If we find ourselves in sin, whatever the situation, the first action to take, is to talk it through with an understanding Believer.

The enemy of our soul would like to see us condemned and ashamed!

He’s the One who will try keep it under wraps, in the dark where only confusion reigns.

But, remember that God has made provision through his Word to set us  captives free.

It’s as simple as having a fellow Believer pray with you, repent and seek God’s restoration through His Word……

……Bear one another sins and so fulfil the Law of the Law