How to be free from Indecision, Confusion & Doubt

The Writer of Proverbs put’s it this way…

“There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lords counsel – that will stand.”

images-1As a Born again Christian I have inherited the very ‘Mind of Christ’, through the Word and by His Spirit.

I am beginning to think like Him, speak like Him and Do like Him. This is the Lord’s counsel which is accepted by grace through faith in Him.

It is not found in the ‘daily star-signs’ of my favourite News paper; nor by seeking a ‘word’ from here, there and everywhere.

Truth is, it’s time for me to grow up and seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit; to listen to Him – the still voice of the Holy Spirit – and balance it with Scripture.

“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7)

Where there is no Vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

Coffee Time Article that will challenge you in your Planning for this coming Year.

“What is the Vision for my Business?”

images-1With pen and paper to hand I begin crafting a New Year’s Resolution concerning my ‘Christian Coaching Ministry.’ Initially I make a weak attempt to plan for 5 new clients every week; which means I would need to increase my Marketing activity by 50%

Is that possible? Yes, but only with a lot of hard work! … Or a miracle!

A little dis-heartened I sit back in my chair to peruse my environment. I’m seated in a favorite Cafe. Conversation’s flow freely here among the clicking of Lap Tops and clatter of coffee machines. It’s a place of comfort and inspiration. And yet, I’m still stuck! Eventually, my eyes are drawn to a chalked Black Board sign that reads – “Coffee doesn’t ask silly questions – Coffee Understands”

How often I sought the comfort of coffee, and the atmosphere that goes with it. But I now see that it’s not the false comfort of coffee nor the people that I hanker after but of the presence of God. For He alone is the Vision for my Business.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

Hearing From God For your Christian Healing & Wholeness

images-7The primary means of Hearing from God for your Healing is through His Word.

I find that as I meditate on what I read in the Bible I begin to recognise His voice speaking to my Soul about many aspects of my life.

For example, on the subject of physical healing, I read over and over in The Word as to what God my Father say’s about healing. I become fully persuaded that Jesus Himself took upon His body my infirmities and pain – “And with His stripes I was healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

There is a caveat to this promise I believe. I have to be fully persuaded that what I read in the Bible – His Word, is true!

One of the primary schemes of the Enemy of our Soul is to cause us to disbelieve what God say’s is true. He will attempt to bring up fears, failure, hurts, rejection and sins from the past. All of which can fester in the soul causing more ‘Dis – ease’

The un-renewed soul, the home of the mind, will and emotions will attempt to make us feel unworthy in receiving our unearned favour from the Lord. A renewed soul, on the other hand, will enable us to receive the flow of life that brings freedom and healing.

I believe this flow comes about by meditating on His Word, Worshipping Him, knowing who we are In Christ Jesus and declaring the Truth that makes us free!

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

The Benefits of Waiting on The Lord


“But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Effortless Progress…

Have you noticed there are people with all kinds of challenging situations going on in their lives and yet they are not dragged down to a lower level of fear. On the contrary, they seem to be positively soaring above their circumstances.

Could it be that they’ve learned to emulate the wisdom of the Eagle – soaring above the high places of world; connecting with the thermals that will take them even higher and higher! A place of effortless mastery.

It is from this place of dominance that the Eagle plummet’s from a great hight to pluck from the skies it’s unsuspecting Pray. In no time at all it’s all over!

So what can we learn from the Wisdom of the Eagles?

Your ‘Thermal’ is a place of authority and grace. It is clearly the place of your anointing and  Gifts. Your ‘Thermal’ could well be for Worship – songs flowing from your heart to the congregation. Your ‘Thermal’ could be for ‘Leadership – encouraging and provoking. Your “Thermal’ Could even be for ‘Finances’ ‘Prayer for Healing, ‘Prophetic Songs’ and for ‘Correction and Rebuke!’

No matter what your Gifting, In Christ you will soar like Wings as Eagles.


The True Value Of Talents & Gifts In The Christian Church

A ‘Talent’ was a measure of worth in New Testament times. Their intrinsic value was based upon the fact they were made of either Gold or Silver.

They were used to purchase goods and services, in the same way use coins today.

 As New Testament Believers we each have been given value and worth in our God given Gifts and Talent, as a means of ‘purchasing’ as it were, the Kingdom of Heaven. It takes time and money to Evangelise and to build churches and to train Leaders.

We must be diligent to seek out those who have a passion to train and mentor future leaders, Creative Artists, Singers, Financiers, Entrepreneurs and Ministries.

We need Talent Spotters and opportunities to train talent.

There is so much Gold in ‘them-there-Hills” (our churches and house groups) and it’s up to each one of us to Mine it and use it.

Please read Matthew 25:14

Read Also Latest Blog on Talents

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY ‘Developing Gifts and Talents in your Church’ CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

I welcome enquiries from UK and Worldwide.

Understanding Heavenly Encounters.

I am happy to include a Guest Post from my friend Jane Parker.

Your Christian Caling

Your Prophetic Calling

Jane is a Christian Minister in the Prophetic. I hope you enjoy!

Prophetic Vision One night in my childhood I woke up straight after having had a dream of an angel coming down the garden path to the front door of our house. It was so vivid I got up in the night and ran to the bathroom window to look out at the garden path! I found my dad already looking out of the same window having had the same dream as me! We both stared out of the window and then returned to bed disappointed that we had not seen the angel.

The following morning I awoke to the sound of my mum laughing and shouting up the stairs “Your angel has been and gone and you both missed him!” I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to find a parcel had arrived in the post from ‘Angel’ Ministries. No doubt they prayed for an angel to deliver the CDs and dad and I had seen it prophetically in dreams!


How to live the Abundant Christian Life

“I have come that they may have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

Abide in the Vine

Abide in the Vine

God, from out of His abundance made us to expect abundance!

The abundant life God the Father bestowed upon His Son, Jesus the Christ, is now shared with those who believe. All we need do is to “Abide in the Vine”.

Jesus is the Vine. And as we dwell in Him, feast on Him and love Him, so we become like Him and partake of all the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant.

As sons and daughters of the Most High God we behave like Him, speak like Him and think like Him. In fact we become as He is in this world.

In Him we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.( Philippians 4:13)

But we must believe…

Are you seeking Abundant Living? But doubts, fears and disappointments are holding you back. Someone walking with you in this journey of discovery can be of great advantage. Please complete the Form below for a ‘Free Trial Coaching Session’ No obligation.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY ‘Prosperity & Good Success’ CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

I welcome enquiries from UK and Worldwide.

Understanding Sowing and Reaping

The Key to Abundant Living

Lenzkirch-KeyWhen you stand back and look at your life as an impartial observer you begin to see definite patterns taking place related to your business, your relationships, finances, health and peace of mind.

For example, the attitude you had towards your mother could be the same attitude your daughter now has towards you. The judgements you made against others for their supposed wrong doings are now the same judgements you are receiving from others.

This is the law of ‘sowing and reaping’. It works for good and it works for bad. It is entirely neutral.

The really cool thing about understanding the dynamics behind the principal of sowing and reaping is that you can begin to make choices as to what you want to reap, depending upon what you sow. In other words you can learn how to harvest the crop that you want – and not any old crop that comes along.

So, for example, if like a farmer you sow potatoes, you will reap potatoes. If you want weeds you just do nothing and the weeds do their own thing anyway. If you are now feeling a hapless victim of your random and seemingly un-planned sowing and reaping. All is not lost.

As a qualified ‘farmer of the soul’ I help many folk begin seeing ‘by faith’ the crop they want in their life and accordingly set about preparing the good soil of their hearts to accommodate their dream. It is also worth while ensuring that what you say, during this stage of sowing and reaping, is what you actually want in your heart and therefore, in reality.

How can Christian Life Coaching benefit me?

Ten good reasons for Christian Life Coaching

Christian Life Coaching, The missing piece!

Christian Life Coaching, The missing piece!

Christian Life Coaching, The missing piece!

1. Everyone is going somewhere. Christian Life Coaching helps you be deliberate as to where exactly you want to go.

2. Then helping you get to where you want to be through tried and tested Coaching skills.

3.The process aims to stimulate thoughts and ideas through patient questioning, active listening and prayerful reflection.

4. Resultant thoughts are translated into motivation by the promise and effective envisioning of the great benefits that can be achieved.

5. Working with a Life Coach increases the likelihood of reaching your desired level of success by 95%

6. A Life Coach will help you recognise and build upon your strengths. He will hold you accountable to implementing your plans – but without telling you what to do

7. Life Coaching encourages and enhances the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives so as to promote change, healing, sanctification and improved relationships.

8. Someone walking with you to – help look into your life – can be of great value in making changes for the better.

9. A Life Coach is someone who walks alongside a person for a season of life, and Coaches him or her through their desired changes and plans. A Life Coach promotes growth.

10. We are each called to live Holy lives and to engage in the process of sanctification. But we must remember that change does not ultimately occur because of good Coaching techniques nor strong willpower, but because of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Do you have a Business to promote? A Career change in sight? A Purpose to discover? A Gift to Discover? A Passion to express? A Book to write? I offer you a Free and without obligation Christian Life Coach trial Session to help get you started – CLICK HERE

Prophetic Worship Songs

Prophetic Worship Songs

I have often wondered what King David would have done when he picked up his harp to worship. Perhaps he would have sung a selection of popular songs of the day, some of which he may well have written himself – tirelessly honing the melody and lyrics – carefully fashioning the message until he knew the Heart of God’s purpose was honoured.”

Final25psalms-1117370-sOr maybe ( and this is my personal favourite version) he would have looked to Heaven and begin singing what He heard and saw in the Spirit – by faith. Pictures would have fired his imagination, words, and whole portions of The Torah he would have repeated – ‘chapter and verse.’

In due course, I imagine he would have fixed upon a ‘good theme’ and begun turning it into a brand new Psalm, perhaps to be filed away for a future occasion. Somehow though, I can’t imagine him staying fixed upon one theme for too long – there is always a new ‘word’ and a new song to be written.

And this is my point: In the Body of Christ I’m wondering whether it’s time for something new in our corporate worship. A new way of expressing our thanks, and a willingness to invite, hear and reflect back what we hear and see in the Spirit. Gone are the cliched expressions in our worship. “Behold I am doing a new thing…” (Isaiah 43:19) say’s the Lord

It is faith that pleases God, not our routines nor even our skilfulness. It is a belief that Godimages is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him – by faith. I believe it is no longer about singing songs alone, but about covenanting with the very heart of God. It is about believing and expecting God to respond to our prophetic songs, pictures, art and dance. It is about Relationship! God speaking to us and us speaking to God!

After all it doesn’t require too much faith to sing a worship song but it does require faith to establish a two way conversation with God the Father.

So, let the true worshippers arise, both in corporate meetings and in our personal times of devotion and expect Heaven to respond!


God’s New Year Plan For Your Life

If you were to acquire a new ‘Open-Plan’ Office Space you would probably seek an Interior Designer to plan it out to suit all your needs."Plans to prosper you..."
An Interior Designer has much experience in understanding your needs and will work with you from your ‘scribbled notes’ and verbal brief to produce something wholly functional and attractive. When we find that kind of relationship we know that we have found something special! And what a comfort it is to know that we are being cared for!

So, at the beginning of this new year why not invite Jesus, The ‘Eternal Designer’ of your life to make something special – even beautiful – of your Career, Relationships, Talents and Gifts.

It only requires for you to let Him in. You will need to give Him an outline Brief of what you would like to achieve with your God-given talents and gifts this coming year. And then prayerfully release it to the Lord. Why not personalise this prayer to help you get started –

“Heavenly Father, I thank You for the plans You have for me, to prosper me … to give me a hope and a future. I ask that this year You will show me the way to go and give me the grace to lay hold of all that you have laid hold of me. Amen!”

If you would like a prayer of agreement please contact me Here. Simply give me an outline of your prayer request and I will pray in agreement with you.

You may also like to begin the New Year with a Free Christian Life Coaching Session. This may be on any subject or situation you are going through. Please Click Here for your Free No obligation Trial Coaching Session!