Coached By Jesus

Someone looking into your life can be of great value.

An outsider is able to see your predicament without fear or doubt.images
Often a ‘Word in Season’ can be the key that unlocks your present situation.

If only we could have such a person in our live’s: guiding and encouraging us.

Thankfully, as Christians we do have that Person -The person of the Holy Spirit.

We have the word of God and the Spirit working in all things together for them that love Him.

If we have faithfully stored up God’s Word within our heart’s we are able to quickly repel lies and deceptions of Satan. And rise up in rule and authority.

If you long to empower your Prayer life, Ask for Free Trial Life Coaching.

Jesus Christ for Life in abundance!


It’s amazing what people can do when you give them a chance!

Someone looking in on your circumstances can be of great value.

Take for example ‘Business’. It was God’s influence that opened up the right opportunity you are now enjoying. Yes, you were quick to make the right decisions He brought to you, and the right people at the right time to do what was needed. But it was Him who gave you the strength and the wisdom to see the vision that you are now operating under.

Yes you had to be wiling and brave to take the necessary steps forward, but HE did it! Thankfully you were quick to hear the Lords’ prompting and to act on them.

So now it’s your turn to pass on the Baton of Blessing: for every good and perfect gift from our Father of lights.

Peter j Foster (Christian Life Coach)

Journaling your Christian Life


images-6   “Talking with God, The Word” By Peter j Foster

You’re either a fan of journaling, or not.

    If not, let me try convert you to the benefits of this    growing Art of ‘communication with God.

First of all, please be assured this is not about     ‘automatic handwriting’, the sort practised by New Ager’s. This is for Born Again, Spirit-filled Believers who desire to talk to God and to hear God speaking to them – to develop their relationship with Father God and continue to seek Him.

I guess you could say that Journaling would help if you enjoy writing; but this is not necessary true. I kept a journal for many years before I became a Christian. I found it remarkably therapeutic in committing my thoughts, plans, ideas and concerns to paper. I love writing, but this is not about writing per se. It is about developing a relationship with Father God

So here goes with your first step in relating with God through Journaling.

1. Get yourself a handy writing pad; not too small, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll fill it.

2. Find a convenient time of day to journal and a favourite place to spend time with God. (Actually it can be anywhere; cafe’s are my favourite place!)

3. Settle your mind. Pray. Welcome His presence. Perhaps read the Bible and meditate on His love for you.

4. Begin writing.

Begin writing what? You may ask.

Well, you could begin by asking God about something that concerns you. Write it all down. Get it off your chest. Detail it. Express any confusion, hurts, fears or whatever. And now wait to see what comes to mind, then write it down! Write it as it comes to you. Don’t worry about grammar, accuracy or scriptural relevance at this stage. You can always test it later with the Word of God and trusted friends/partner. The important thing is to get into the flow of writing, without feeling anyone looking over your shoulder!

You could begin with writing about how you feel. What’s troubling you, exciting you or challenging you. Just allow yourself to write freely. Let it all out. Hold nothing back. After all, no one is going to know about it except you and God. (Unless you lose your Journal, so guard it with your life!)

As an example, I often write my plans and ideas for ministry, outreach, business, relationships and finances. It really helps to get my thoughts out of my head and on to paper. Sometimes simply reading it back begins to inspire (from God) my thoughts, solutions, creative ideas. In response be ready to write down quickly what is coming to mind. It is so easy to forget what God is saying. – if you do not commit it quickly to paper.

There’s no need to analyse it at this stage what you have written. Just enjoy the spontaneity of writing from your mind and from your heart. And believe that God is right there with you – listening, reading your words and beginning to release solutions, answers to questions and encouraging remarks. He’s your Heavenly Father and desires that you flow in your relationship with Him.

In the Bible we read in John 10:27 that: “My sheep hear my voice…” That’s us! We hear God’s voice speaking to us. Yes, primarily God speaks to us through Scripture – but also spontaneously where the Lord wants us to apply Scripture to a particular life situation. His Word is tailored, as it were, to each of our circumstances. Which is why of course we must never assume a relationship with God outside of regular reading of the Bible.

In a ‘nutshell’, Spiritual Journaling is about what God is saying to you through your prayers, questions and understanding. The journaling process will sustain you in times of hardship, inspire creative solutions to problems and bring clarity and focus to what God is saying and doing in your life.

The writer Henri Nouwen wrote: “To my surprise, I never lost the ability to write. In fact, writing became part of my struggle for survival. It gave me the little distance from myself that I needed to keep from drowning in my despair.” (From the Book: Inner voice of Love.)

If you would like to be coached in ‘Spiritual Journaling with God,’ please contact me by e-mail and we can schedule a Free and without obligation ‘Introduction to Spiritual Coaching. lease email me


How to be free from Indecision, Confusion & Doubt

The Writer of Proverbs put’s it this way…

“There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lords counsel – that will stand.”

images-1As a Born again Christian I have inherited the very ‘Mind of Christ’, through the Word and by His Spirit.

I am beginning to think like Him, speak like Him and Do like Him. This is the Lord’s counsel which is accepted by grace through faith in Him.

It is not found in the ‘daily star-signs’ of my favourite News paper; nor by seeking a ‘word’ from here, there and everywhere.

Truth is, it’s time for me to grow up and seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit; to listen to Him – the still voice of the Holy Spirit – and balance it with Scripture.

“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7)

Where there is no Vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

Coffee Time Article that will challenge you in your Planning for this coming Year.

“What is the Vision for my Business?”

images-1With pen and paper to hand I begin crafting a New Year’s Resolution concerning my ‘Christian Coaching Ministry.’ Initially I make a weak attempt to plan for 5 new clients every week; which means I would need to increase my Marketing activity by 50%

Is that possible? Yes, but only with a lot of hard work! … Or a miracle!

A little dis-heartened I sit back in my chair to peruse my environment. I’m seated in a favorite Cafe. Conversation’s flow freely here among the clicking of Lap Tops and clatter of coffee machines. It’s a place of comfort and inspiration. And yet, I’m still stuck! Eventually, my eyes are drawn to a chalked Black Board sign that reads – “Coffee doesn’t ask silly questions – Coffee Understands”

How often I sought the comfort of coffee, and the atmosphere that goes with it. But I now see that it’s not the false comfort of coffee nor the people that I hanker after but of the presence of God. For He alone is the Vision for my Business.

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

What is the Difference between a Christian Life Coach, Counsellor or Mentor?

400SnowFamilyChristian Life Coaching is about helping the Client get from where they are now to where they want to be expressed as a Goal. Then helping them take action to fulfil their Goal through patient questioning and active listening. Prayer and the application of faith through the Word of God is encouraged together with accountability in fulfilling tasks. A variety of ‘tools’ may be drawn on, such as the application of Mind Renewal, Forgiveness, Disappointment and Unresolved Hurts, as a means of helping Clients identify and achieve their defined Goals.

Counselling is a type of ‘talking therapy’ which involves a person discussing emotional difficulties and problems in a supportive and confidential environment. The Counselor does not give advise nor be judgemental, rather their role is to listen to the client with empathy
so as to help them understand their feelings and behavior Hopefully the client finds their own solutions to their problem.

Mentoring A Mentor is an accomplished and experienced professional/expert who has a desire to help, to guide and develop a junior or more advanced person.

Briefly Counseling is there to sort out issues, Coaching helps you negotiate hurdles, whilst Mentoring shows you how to do it for yourself!

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form.

Be Strong in The Lord and in the power of His Might

 I have discovered that to become strong in the Lord means I am not to make any effort to be strong in my self!

images-1In fact I’ve found the very opposite to be true! I have discovered that to be strong in the Lord Jesus is to deny my own strength and trust in His strength alone. His ability to get things done is far more effective than mine.

Read the following Verse… “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed; In Him I am strengthened with might according to His glorious power.” 2 Cor :9-8

But as soon as I flip over to my own strength, I am only as able as I can be according to my human ability – which in my case is really very small indeed!

The ‘key’ to unlocking God’s Power and wisdom is to release Jesus by faith. In so doing it is no longer I that lives but Jesus Christ that lives. 1.Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me: and that [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in Jesus,…

I’m no longer wasting time trying to make myself something special. The reality is that In Christ Jesus I already am something special! In Him I am a son of the Most High God. It only now needs for me to believe and release this Truth by continually looking to Jesus. And His Word.



UnbeliefUnbelief is a state of mind; a way of thinking; an attitude of heart. Although unbelief is powerful it can, however, be eroded by the Truth of God’s Word.

Unbelief is an inferior spiritual force that needs to be confronted head on! We read in the Book of Mathew 13: 58 that… “Jesus did not do any mighty works there because of their unbelief.” Jesus requires us to develop our own faith, a faith that is based upon His Words of faith.

His spirit lives in us and as we join our faith with His faith then the miracles take place. But we must believe!

How then do we develop this kind of faith, the kind of faith that believes for miracles when we speak the Word?

The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. In short, we renew our mind when we read, meditate upon and confess God’s Word.

For example you may like to speak out loud the following Scripture verses based upon His eternal faithfulness towards meeting your needs and prospering you in all that you turn your hands to.

“…I will hasten My Word to perform it.” Jer. 1:12b “ But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” Phil. 4:19 “Casting all your care upon Him; for he cares for you.” 1 Pet. 5:7

Prophetic Worship Songs

Prophetic Worship Songs

I have often wondered what King David would have done when he picked up his harp to worship. Perhaps he would have sung a selection of popular songs of the day, some of which he may well have written himself – tirelessly honing the melody and lyrics – carefully fashioning the message until he knew the Heart of God’s purpose was honoured.”

Final25psalms-1117370-sOr maybe ( and this is my personal favourite version) he would have looked to Heaven and begin singing what He heard and saw in the Spirit – by faith. Pictures would have fired his imagination, words, and whole portions of The Torah he would have repeated – ‘chapter and verse.’

In due course, I imagine he would have fixed upon a ‘good theme’ and begun turning it into a brand new Psalm, perhaps to be filed away for a future occasion. Somehow though, I can’t imagine him staying fixed upon one theme for too long – there is always a new ‘word’ and a new song to be written.

And this is my point: In the Body of Christ I’m wondering whether it’s time for something new in our corporate worship. A new way of expressing our thanks, and a willingness to invite, hear and reflect back what we hear and see in the Spirit. Gone are the cliched expressions in our worship. “Behold I am doing a new thing…” (Isaiah 43:19) say’s the Lord

It is faith that pleases God, not our routines nor even our skilfulness. It is a belief that Godimages is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him – by faith. I believe it is no longer about singing songs alone, but about covenanting with the very heart of God. It is about believing and expecting God to respond to our prophetic songs, pictures, art and dance. It is about Relationship! God speaking to us and us speaking to God!

After all it doesn’t require too much faith to sing a worship song but it does require faith to establish a two way conversation with God the Father.

So, let the true worshippers arise, both in corporate meetings and in our personal times of devotion and expect Heaven to respond!


How To Promote a Successful Christian Ministry

photo: aimee daniells

photo: aimee daniells

When you’ve been blessed through a Christian Ministry, you just want to tell others about it; even Minister the very same thing. The word Ministry means ‘Giving people what you have been given.’

There are many Christians who have a creative streak – even Entrepreneurial – who would love to develop their talent and offer it as a full or part-time Ministry.
And why not? It is honoring to give people what has been given to you.

So how do you go about promoting your own Christian Ministry? Let me tell you how I have gone about it.

When I began my “Christian Life Coach” Ministry I prayed long and hard for an opportunity to present it to the Leadership of my church.

During that time the Lord took opportunity to ‘try my heart’ for any motives that were not of Him and for me to make it clear in my own mind what is the true Biblical basis for coaching within the Body of Christ.

When my opportunity came to present my Christian Ministry to the Leadership, it was as though the Lord had laid out a Red Carpet before me. Within a short time I had an enthusiastic thumbs-up!

But, it would have been wrong to expect the church to do all the promoting for me. I have a leading role in communicating the positive benefits of coaching through ‘Talks’, Seminars, Free Promotional offers and Inspirational articles.

Similarly it would have been wrong to confine my coaching ministry to my church only, but to think of reaching the wider church.

So how did I do it?

For the past 12 months I have been learning how to reach out to my potential Christian ‘market’ through Digital Media and conventional Media.
What follows is a brief summary of past, present and on-going marketing activity.

1. A Website presence is essential. Ensure you use ‘Key words’ in the title and text that people are searching for on ‘Google’. To discover what are the most popular words being searched for on your subject go to ‘Adwords Key Tool’.

2. Add a Blog to your website – either actually on your website or linked from your website to a social websites such as ‘WordPress’. This will help engage folk in your offering (as this, hopefully, is engaging you, my precious reader!)

3. Write about your subject from different angles and with different target markets in mind. So, for example you could write about those seeking Inner Healing; Relationship issues; Christian Gifts; Talents and career matters.

4. Again, ensure your Blog title is being well searched for by checking with ‘Adwords’ and then seeing how many ‘Google’ searches there are for your title and subject. If there is huge competition on Google you need to weigh up the chances of being seen

*5. Ensure your website is not only a static page because ‘Google’ will not rate it very highly (neither will the reader!). Include a number of pages with changing text. ‘Google’ like these more spontanious and continuously changing websites; another good reason for adding a Blog to your Website.

6. Social Media Marketing is a sometimes bewildering means of getting your message across – to potentially thousands of people. I personally like LinkedIn and Google+. They are fairly straight-forward and easy to understand. There are plenty of ‘How To…’ articles and You Tubes videos instructing you to become your own expert. Be patient and organized in your explorations and weigh carefully the potential benefits.

7. Please do not forget conventional marketing tools such as: Business Cards, Small A5 Leaflets, Letterhead paper, and small adverts in appropriate media. These do still attract attention! Even better. Seek an accomplished Designer to ‘hone’ your message to your potential target market.

8. More on general advertising: use sparingly and only with a ‘time-limited’ offer.

9. Meanwhile, make yourself accountability to a Coach, Church Leader or trusted friend with help keep you on-track with your promotional activities.

10. Practice ‘presenting’ your Christian Ministry to firstly yourself (in a mirror) then to others. Hone it down to it’s unique proposition. Focus on the benefits to the client and be sure you believe it yourself too!

You may be interested in reading my own so-called ‘Elevator Pitch’

“As a Life Coach… I work with Christians, passionate to see Gods calling and purpose for their lives fulfilled, and who want to express their gifts and talents profitably, and to see their own lives and the lives of others prosper for the Kingdom.”

Click Here For Your Free and without obligation FREE INTRODUCTORY  CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING SESSION. You will be required to fill in a short form. 

I welcome enquiries from UK and Worldwide.