Relationship with God the Father



‘Living in faith’.
I have called myself a Believer with great passion. I minister to folk who need Coaching in areas of Parenting, Gifts, Talents, Career and Relationships.
Suffice to say I am a committed Christian and am often called upon for my prophetic words, prophetic songs and prayers for the sick.
But, after all these years I cannot say that I have a proper relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I go through the motions and get great Spiritual breakthroughs with Him. I meditate upon the Bible and can recite passages from proverbs and Psalms.
But after many years trying to know the Lord more clearly, I have concluded I have something of an ‘Orphan Spirit’.
I grew up a loner and lived as a single man for many years. Inevitably I took my loneliness to the workplace, and to the family and finally to the church..
To my surprise, when I became a Christian I witnessed many other orphans both in and out side the church.
The only cure I’ve found to this loneliness is through ‘Relationship’ This is the missing key to isolation; not only in the church but in the office, shop, family and fellowship.
The Relationship I am speaking of is of a continual stream of Father’s love.
Speaking to Him in our inner man, thanking Him, glad of His presence, help, encouragement and confidence – all being received by faith.
Continual communication with the Father in this way develops a strong and meaningful Prayer life.
The relationship that develops is as a father/mother relationship whereby we know He is with us and we can refer to Him continually.
No more an Orphan/son or Daughter.

Jesus Christ for Life in abundance!


It’s amazing what people can do when you give them a chance!

Someone looking in on your circumstances can be of great value.

Take for example ‘Business’. It was God’s influence that opened up the right opportunity you are now enjoying. Yes, you were quick to make the right decisions He brought to you, and the right people at the right time to do what was needed. But it was Him who gave you the strength and the wisdom to see the vision that you are now operating under.

Yes you had to be wiling and brave to take the necessary steps forward, but HE did it! Thankfully you were quick to hear the Lords’ prompting and to act on them.

So now it’s your turn to pass on the Baton of Blessing: for every good and perfect gift from our Father of lights.

Peter j Foster (Christian Life Coach)

Mind the Gap!

Have you ever noticed that right at the epicentre of a disagreement, say with your Partner or someone else close to you, there will be a gap; both sides temporarily disconnected in a kind of no-mans landscape.

One of the parties may take the ‘lull  in activity’ to mean a temporary cessation of conflict – even professing'The Path' to have won the battle! But not for long! In a moment the two parties lurch back to the epicentre of the conflict and continue spouting nonsense, threats and self-proclaimed victory! There is, however, no time to proclaim victory at this rate, for this is a God-given moment to be still and let God be God.


He may bring a word of encouragement, conviction, understanding or revelation! Whatever you feel, remain right there in the intensity of the moment and allow God to do His ‘Thing! Eventually you will feel The Lords peace, ‘the peace that passes understanding.’ This is His grace indeed; and your opportunity to allow His full work take it’s place as you thank Him for His kindness.

Getting rid of the Junk!

I’ve noticed that every time I’ve made a deliberate action to curtail the strategies of the Enemy to steal some aspect of my life, I have invariably come out of it the worst!

It’s as though I’ve deliberately invited Him, the ‘Enemy’, to put me under his feet and crush me down to a pulp!

And yet, still unperturbed I have often gone back for more!

For example, when at 40 years I decided I was ready for a career change and chose ‘Life Coaching’ (to replace my Graphic Design career) I was tested in every single way possible!

Even though I fought with every last breath, I was beaten remorsely. Not a very encouraging spectacle for my burgeoning Coaching career!

Christian Breakthrough!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…”

The trouble is, I had been doing it in my own strengh. I’d been trying to discard the rubbish I’d accumulated, rather than giving the rubbish to Jesus! He took my shame, the guilt and fears. In Him I am a new creation, so that in stead of acknowledging Satan’s right to steel and destroy. I declare what I now have and who I now am IN HIM.

Are you ready to change your life? Christian Life Coaching will motivate you to action!


Behind every succesful person is a Mentor

I’ve noticed in my short life that those who have the attentions of a ‘one-to-one’ Teacher, Coach, Parent or Mentor, they just seem to sail through normal life’s difficulties, quickly turning disadvantages into opportunities and failure into success.

Which doesn’t mean they are more intelligent, better looking nor hugely rich. No, indeed the wealth they seem to exude comes from a place deep within – a place unavailable to those who struggle through life alone.

And this is the ‘Key’ to opening up the inner ‘treasure chest’ of true peace. It is a journey of the heart. The Bible put’s it like this ” as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Prov. 23:4

Fill the heart with love and acceptance and that’s what you’ll get on the outside. 

On top of the World

On top of the World

Cafe Culture, a repository of Creativity & Dreams


Cafe Culture in the heart of Birmingham, during the 1920’s

ScanMy mother lived in a Cafe on the edge of Birmingham City Centre, UK. She was born and raised there along with her Brother, her Mother, her Parents in law and Grand Parents.

The “Park Cafe” was, from all accounts, a well patronised ‘Hub’ on the east side of Birmingham city centre, close to the famous Football Club – Aston Villa.

Business Travellers, Merchants, Shoppers and Mothers would while away their time in the warm and comforting establishment, along with their young children ‘skiving-off’ school on such cold and polluted days. Many little friends and dolls were lost and made under those tables.

My Great Grand Father owned the Cafe and his long suffering wife ran it. She worked night and day to keep the establishment viable whilst her Husband gambled away the profits doing questionable deals with his cronies.

Toasted Tea Cakes would have been prepared hours before the Cafe’s doors opened along with great pans of Soup and Bread. Meanwhile Silver Urns of Tea and Cakes would have graced the Travelling Salesmen, interspersed with great drawers of cigarette smoke.

My Grand Father was one of four sons, each of whom would have been known for their excesses. There was my Grand Father who was a Gambler (An unlucky one by all accounts!) Another son a wheeler-Dealer. Then there was the Artist, a thin young man given to fears and illnesses! The fourth of the son’s was an Adventurer; a day-dreamer who was convinced his fortune and future was as a Writer & Producer of films in the burgeoning West Coast of America. I have caught a glimpse of his name from time to time but am not sure this is truly the destiny of one of my English ancestors (although I would love to think he is!)

Dreams and plans are truly birthed in the nurturing atmosphere of Cafe’s

Written by Peter j Foster.


Where there is no Vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

Coffee Time Article that will challenge you in your Planning for this coming Year.

“What is the Vision for my Business?”

images-1With pen and paper to hand I begin crafting a New Year’s Resolution concerning my ‘Christian Coaching Ministry.’ Initially I make a weak attempt to plan for 5 new clients every week; which means I would need to increase my Marketing activity by 50%

Is that possible? Yes, but only with a lot of hard work! … Or a miracle!

A little dis-heartened I sit back in my chair to peruse my environment. I’m seated in a favorite Cafe. Conversation’s flow freely here among the clicking of Lap Tops and clatter of coffee machines. It’s a place of comfort and inspiration. And yet, I’m still stuck! Eventually, my eyes are drawn to a chalked Black Board sign that reads – “Coffee doesn’t ask silly questions – Coffee Understands”

How often I sought the comfort of coffee, and the atmosphere that goes with it. But I now see that it’s not the false comfort of coffee nor the people that I hanker after but of the presence of God. For He alone is the Vision for my Business.

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Hearing From God For your Christian Healing & Wholeness

images-7The primary means of Hearing from God for your Healing is through His Word.

I find that as I meditate on what I read in the Bible I begin to recognise His voice speaking to my Soul about many aspects of my life.

For example, on the subject of physical healing, I read over and over in The Word as to what God my Father say’s about healing. I become fully persuaded that Jesus Himself took upon His body my infirmities and pain – “And with His stripes I was healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

There is a caveat to this promise I believe. I have to be fully persuaded that what I read in the Bible – His Word, is true!

One of the primary schemes of the Enemy of our Soul is to cause us to disbelieve what God say’s is true. He will attempt to bring up fears, failure, hurts, rejection and sins from the past. All of which can fester in the soul causing more ‘Dis – ease’

The un-renewed soul, the home of the mind, will and emotions will attempt to make us feel unworthy in receiving our unearned favour from the Lord. A renewed soul, on the other hand, will enable us to receive the flow of life that brings freedom and healing.

I believe this flow comes about by meditating on His Word, Worshipping Him, knowing who we are In Christ Jesus and declaring the Truth that makes us free!

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How to Receive Your Christian Miracle

From the Bible’s perspective, miracles are gracious and mighty works of God that display his unique power and dominion over all creation. They are “gracious” because God in his mercy chooses to reveal himself supernaturally in a way that displays his willingness to interact with mankind.




Biblical miracles serve to authenticate God’s messengers. Some miracles demonstrate God’s salvation, others his judgment.

But right now you are probably wondering how to receive your miracle of healing or miracle of financial provision, etc. You may relate to my own experience of receiving a miracle below.

Testimony: When I became a Christian I began smoking cigarettes like I’d never smoked before. I was virtually chain-smoking. I did everything to quit smoking. I’d buy a pack if 20 cigarettes, smoke them one after the other than get so angry with myself I’d flush half the packet down the toilet. 30 minutes later, Id leave my Apartment and walk to the local ‘All Night’ Store and smoke cigarettes one after the other. I was frantic with shame, terribly un-healthy and fearful.

One night, again smoking one cigarette after the other I prayed for deliverance (for the 10th time that month) and right there in the quietness of night I suddenly received my miracle. In a moment I was free. Every thing went quiet and I knew I was delivered of nicotine addiction! Twenty years later I’m still totally free. Praise God.

I have no Spiritual formula other than to say that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. Just keep praying, seeking and expecting your miracle. It is on its’ way!

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Psalm 91 – Relationship With God The Father

Photo: frank woutersPsalm 91… please handle carefully!

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God in Him I trust.”

Thought,… God is not having a bad day because you are not Praising Him. He is receiving all genuine Praise & Worship in abudence from all corners of the Earth at any one time.

Having relationship with God though is another matter and can only be established through faith in Christ Jesus.

Even though you are Praising God does’t mean you are in relationship with Him. In fact only very few are in relationship with Him. They think that God might be too busy to listen to our concerns; or too ‘Mighty’ to be granted an audience with; or He simply too angry at our sins !

“NO!” That is just not the case!

Now go back to Psalm 91 at the top of the page and begin reading it again, only this time use the ‘subjective’ language so that it now reads…

“I dwell in the Secret place of the Most High, I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, In Him I will Trust.”

“Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover me with His feathers, And under His wings I shall “take refuge;”                        His truth shall be my shield and buckler; I shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the  arrow that flies by day, Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.”

“A thousand shall fall at my side, And ten thousand at my right hand; But it shall not come near me. Only with my eyes shall I look and see the reward of the wicked.

“Because you have made the Lord, who is your refuge, Even the Most High, my dwelling place, no evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near my dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. In their hand they shall bear me up, Lest I dash my foot against a stone.”

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A close up on Christian Healing Confessions.

NPG x28780,Charles William Anderson Scott,by News Chronicleby Peter J. Foster
From past experiences of having received an anointed prayer of healing – even though I knew I’d been healed – I allowed symptoms talk me out of it; only to slip back again to a ‘mentality’ of ill health! In the Book of the Prophet Jonah, chapter 2 v 8, the Lord warns we are not to forsake our mercy by observing lying vanities.
The lying vanities in the case of physical infirmity are the symptoms of sickness. We must remember that they have no legal right on us. The truth is that Jesus took them on the Cross and by His stripes we were healed. God the Father’s will for us is that we would live in Divine Health all the days of our life. He has made provision for such through His Word.
It is our part to receive His Word by faith and resist the devil’s lies of ‘symptoms’. Only then will we see God’s Glory manifest – and remain!
Here are 35 Confessions that will help you keep your healing.
1 The symptoms are not the sickness; they are signs of sickness which I do not have. They are on the outside trying to get in. Do not accept them!
2 I am the sick recovering my inheritance.
3 Patience is not ‘enduring suffering’ but is constant in faith – with a heart of expectation.
4 Death and life is in the power of the tongue, not in the power of the devil.
5 Faith say’s: “I refuse to let it dictate my life!”
6 Be strong in faith. Give God glory. He’s already done it; now tell everyone!
7 Testify to your miracle before it happens!
8 Speak to your body. Tell it to be strong and to conform to the Word!
9 When your blessing comes to your heart – you’ll have it. See ‘health’ in the heart.
10 Salvation is a return to God’s original plan for your life.
11 Talk about your great future.
12 You have to believe first then speak and believe. You have to know in your heart that you believe.
13 Pass from physical to Spiritual thinking to get healing.
14 God will only be to me what I believe Him to be.
15 I have roads of success in my mind before I can build roads.
16 Don’t struggle to be more pure, holy or righteous; you already have it in Christ.
17 Because of Righteousness, through faith, the Spirit gives life.
18 The Spirit quickens our mortal body despite state of blood.
19 Success or failure is in our spirit.
20 Prayer doesn’t heal. It’s faith that makes us whole.
21 Without faith it’s impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)
22 Everything not like Christ must be removed.
23 Be it unto you according to your faith.
24 Knowledge is not power; but the application of knowledge is power.
25 He doesn’t consider whether I have faith. He’s already dealt me a measure of faith.
26 He answers when you ask.
27 Step into Jesus’ shoes and ask the Father directly.
28 I am in the place of Jesus. The voice of Jesus…
29 My faith is based on the faith of Jesus.
30 I’m not looking for breakthrough; I broke through when Jesus broke through death.
31 Look not at seen but unseen reality.
32 I’m no longer controlled by symptoms but by the Word of God.
33 God’s faith is Jesus – the Word become flesh. All I need is faith in Jesus.
34 I’m not trying to ‘become something’; It’s who I already am in Christ Jesus.
35 As Jesus is, so am I in this World. (1 John 4:17)
Peter j Foster.
If you are believing for your healing, consider having someone stand with you in a prayer of faith. Take time out to be saturated with the Word of Faith. Have someone come into agreement with you. As a Christian Life Coach I am here to encourage you in your healing.

by Peter J. Foster

You can learn more about Peter’s Life Coaching services by visiting his website at…

Christian Life Coaching.